Dean K. Wilson


Sermon-Coach Podcasts
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Semon-Coach Podcasts

We have currently posted 240 Podcasts.




Each 10- to 20-minute-long Podcast offers very practical tips, explains the implementation of the Sermon-Coach Sermon Development process, and offers other useful information to help pastors create more effective, life-transforming sermons.

Because the website is no longer available, for helpful information and sermon materials for pastors and laypersons, please point your web browser to the following link:




Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 1 (click here)
Ministers need to recognize the pervasive problem of the Sermon Sucking Black Hole and open themselves to instructions as to how to correct it.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 2 (click here)
I’m convinced that the key to solving the Sermon Sucking Black Hole problem isn’t found in the area of sermon delivery. Instead it relates to the
early stages of sermon preparation.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 3 (click here)
When preaching through a Book of the Bible, start your sermon preparation by deciding on the overall subject of the book and the response being called for.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 4 (click here)
The second and third key questions to answer early on in your sermon preparation are “Response” and “How to.”

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 5 - Part 1 (click here)
Coming up with practical “How to’s” is easier to do if you enlist the help of your parishioners.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 5 - Part 2 (click here)
Coming up with practical “How to’s” is easier to do if you enlist the help of your parishioners.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 6 - Part 1 (click here)
In the early preparation of your sermon, after you have decided on the “Subject,” “Response,” and “How To,” you also need to think through approximately “How Long” people will need to put your challenge into action.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 6 - Part 2 (click here)
In the early preparation of your sermon, after you have decided on the “Subject,” “Response,” and “How To,” you also need to think through approximately “How Long” people will need to put your challenge into action.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 7 - Part 1 (click here)
A beginner’s way to use the four key questions in a sermon is to transition from the “Subject” into the “Response” into the “How To” and to finish with the “How Long.” But, the alternative approaches are limitless.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 7 - Part 2 (click here)
A beginner’s way to use the four key questions in a sermon is to transition from the “Subject” into the “Response” into the “How To” and to finish with the “How Long.” But, the alternative approaches are limitless.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 8 (click here)
Be aware that the preaching of Jesus
follows the pattern we have been teaching.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 9 - Part 1 (click here)
Make sure the introduction to your sermon is on target and quickly captures the attention of your listeners.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 9 - Part 2 (click here)
Make sure the introduction to your sermon is on target and quickly captures the attention of your listeners.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 10 - Part 1 (click here)
First figure out what it is you want to say as you close your message and then do that in the best way possible.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 10 - Part 2 (click here)
First figure out what it is you want to say as you close your message and then do that in the best way possible.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 11 (click here)
Instead of being the “tail that wags the dog,” illustrations should be carefully used as needed.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 12 (click here)
Every part of a service should enhance
the thrust of the sermon.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 13 - Part 1 (click here)
There is way more that should be praised than the standard eight to ten qualities or attributes that are repeated in our services time and again.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 13 - Part 2 (click here)
There is way more that should be praised than the standard eight to ten qualities or attributes that are repeated in our services time and again.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 14 - Part 1 (click here)
The three part service progession with
which I was the most comfortable was:
“The Approach to God in Worship,”
“God Speaking through His Written Word,” and
“The Response of Obedience.”

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 14 - Part 2 (click here)
The three part service progession with
which I was the most comfortable was:
“The Approach to God in Worship,”
“God Speaking through His Written Word,” and
“The Response of Obedience.”

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 15 - Part 1 (click here)
Because it takes a number of hits to get people
to respond in the desired fashion, don’t expect
your sermon to always do the total job.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 15 - Part 2 (click here)
Because it takes a number of hits to get people
to respond in the desired fashion, don’t expect
your sermon to always do the total job.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 16 - Part 1 (click here)
A proper understanding of revival
should make it attractive to all Christians.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 16 - Part 2 (click here)
A proper understanding of revival
should make it attractive to all Christians.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 17 - Part 1 (click here)
Picturing what a church would be like if Jesus were
bodily present for an extended period of time gives
insight as to what times of revival are like.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 17 - Part 2 (click here)
Picturing what a church would be like if Jesus were
bodily present for an extended period of time gives
insight as to what times of revival are like.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 18 - Part 1 (click here)
Picturing what a church would be like if Jesus were
bodily present for an extended period of time gives
insight as to what times of revival are like.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 18 - Part 2 (click here)
Picturing what a church would be like if Jesus were
bodily present for an extended period of time gives
insight as to what times of revival are like.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 19 - Part 1 (click here)
Getting a handle on how a church is doing regarding
these nine characteristics provides a good understanding
as to whether that congregation will experience revival.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 19 - Part 2 (click here)
Getting a handle on how a church is doing regarding
these nine characteristics provides a good understanding
as to whether that congregation will experience revival.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 20 - Part 1 (click here)
Picturing what a workplace or a home would be like,
if Jesus were bodily present for an extended period of
time, gives insight as to what times of revival are like.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 20 - Part 2 (click here)
Picturing what a workplace or a home would be like,
if Jesus were bodily present for an extended period of
time, gives insight as to what times of revival are like.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 21 - Part 1 (click here)
Certain repeated parts of our Sunday services
need rethinking for them to actually have meaning.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 21 - Part 2 (click here)
Certain repeated parts of our Sunday services
need rethinking for them to actually have meaning.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 22 - Part 1 (click here)
To avoid a “been there done that” feeling about
church, on occasion add an element of surprise.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 22 - Part 2 (click here)
To avoid a “been there done that” feeling about
church, on occasion add an element of surprise.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 23 - Part 1 (click here)
It’s incredibly helpful for Christians to have a
basic understanding of the “Kingdom of God.”

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 23 - Part 2 (click here)
It’s incredibly helpful for Christians to have a
basic understanding of the “Kingdom of God.”

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 24 - Part 1 (click here)
Ask for listener feedback and you can quickly
know if your preaching is meeting a need.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 24 - Part 2 (click here)
Ask for listener feedback and you can quickly
know if your preaching is meeting a need.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 25 - Part 1 (click here)
When critiquing someone’s sermon,
look for strengths you can affirm and
make only one key negative observation.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 25 - Part 2 (click here)
When critiquing someone’s sermon,
look for strengths you can affirm and
make only one key negative observation.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 26 - Part 1 (click here)
A person who has developed a skill in a given
area needs to know when sharing it is
good and when sharing it is not appropriate.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 26 - Part 2 (click here)
A person who has developed a skill in a given
area needs to know when sharing it is
good and when sharing it is not appropriate.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 27 - Part 1 (click here)
Because people can tire of the same voice
Sunday after Sunday, think seriously
about alternatives to your preaching.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 27 - Part 2 (click here)
Because people can tire of the same voice
Sunday after Sunday, think seriously
about alternatives to your preaching.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 28 (click here)
Follow the same format when preparing interview
questions as you would for preparing a sermon.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 29 - Part 1 (click here)
Let others help you bust up your mental blocks.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 29 - Part 2 (click here)
Let others help you bust up your mental blocks.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 30 - Part 1 (click here)
At its core, workaholism needs to
be recognized as a sin of idolatry.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 30 - Part 2 (click here)
At its core, workaholism needs to
be recognized as a sin of idolatry.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 31 (click here)
The symptoms of backsliding are
not that difficult to recognize.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 32 (click here)
Personal revival is marked by an obvious
sense of the presence of the Lord in your life.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 33 (click here)
“Sunday Soundbytes” subtly remind a
congregation that their pastor lives
in the same world the parishioners do.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 34 (click here)
Dr. Mains answers five miscellaneous
questions: manuscripting sermons vs. free-form,
using movie clips, using PowerPoint®,
preaching from the Lectionary, and using
fill-in-the-blank sermon outlines.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 35 (click here)
Don’t let the fear of what others might
think, or of what could go wrong, inhibit
your creativity in sermon or service planning.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 36 (click here)
Learning to plan ahead what you
intend to preach sets a direction for what
you want to accomplish as a leader.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 37 (click here)
The Bible is laid out in a way that is easy
enough for a ten-year-old to understand.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 38 (click here)
Attempt to be as biblical as
possible in your preaching.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 39 (click here)
Now is an opportune time for
pastors to challenge their people
to pray for revival in America.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 40 (click here)
Were Jesus to reveal His presence, as
He does in times of authentic revival, our
first response would be to worship Him.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 41 (click here)
It’s a sure sign of revival when the
church starts to evidence Christ’s
remarkable love for others.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 42 (click here)
During times of revival, God’s people
are keenly aware of the need to live
in accord with His desires.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 43 (click here)
Christ’s presence in the church results in
more people wanting to serve Him.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 44 (click here)
In times of authentic revival, the
preaching of God’s Word takes
on a great sense of authority.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 45 (click here)
When a church is aware of Christ’s
presence, prayer becomes a high priority.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 46 (click here)
When the presence of Christ is alive in the
church, evangelism is a natural outgrowth.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 47 (click here)
When properly understood, times
of revival are when God’s people
experience life at its very best.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 48 (click here)
Choose the optimum times in the year
to begin your key preaching series.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 49 (click here)
The “anointing of the Holy Spirit”
is a term that needs to be thought
through and carefully used.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 50 (click here)
A good way to help people
inexperienced in public speaking to
tell their story is through interview.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 51 (click here)
Preachers have a tendency
in their sermons to say way more
than what they should.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 52 (click here)
To ensure quality pulpit supply,
make your replacement plans as far
ahead of time as possible.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 53 (click here)
It’s important that the text you are
preaching actually supports
what you are saying.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 54 (click here)
Early on in the sermon-preparation process,
it is a great help to come up with
the answer to four basic questions.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 55 (click here)
When thinking about what to preach,
a good question to ask yourself is,
“What would Jesus preach?”

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 56 (click here)
I expect pastors to make “Sermon Starters”
their own rather than preaching them
exactly as they are written.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 57 (click here)
It is important for pastors to inform their
people about the nature of God and
why He is worthy of their worship.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 58 (click here)
Effective sermons have both a clearly
identifiable “Subject” and
a doable “Response.”

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 59 (click here)
Because the attention span of people
today is shorter than that of earlier
generations, I would recommend
preaching 15 to 25 minute sermons.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 60 (click here)
A coordinated church service, where all
the parts are interrelated, is built around
the key truth being preached.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 61 (click here)
Talking with someone else about your
answers to the four basic sermon
questions—Subject, Response, How To,
and How Long—can prove extremely
helpful in clarifying your thinking process.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 62 (click here)
Whether you’re a “shouter” or a “talker,”
you need to maintain a speech pattern
that will not fatigue your listeners.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 63 (click here)
As you learn to appreciate the preaching
style of others, recognize the value of
allowing God to develop, in you, your
own unique way of presenting His truth.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 64 (click here)
“Application” is a pointed word that
when understood properly is a huge
key to effective ministry.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 65 (click here)
Reading a book, such as Chuck Swindoll’s
Saying It Well, can help you understand
important elements in sermon preparation.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 66 (click here)
Before listening to candidates’ sermons,
the Pastoral Search Committee should
agree on that for which they’re listening.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 67 (click here)
When preaching is appropriate and when it
is not is a lesson all ministers should learn.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 68 (click here)
Pastors have the option of setting up their own
feedback system regarding their sermons.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 69 (click here)
To fill the pulpit when you’re away,
choose the very best person possible.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 70 (click here)
I never want to hear a preacher say, “I see
my job as one of explaining the text.”

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 71 (click here)
Early on in the sermon preparation
process, finding the answer to four basic
questions will help immensely in setting
the direction of your message.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 72 (click here)
Four basic questions help you get
to the heart of a passage early on
in the sermon preparation process.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 73 (click here)
The answers to four basic questions early
on in the sermon preparation process help
form how you will preach a given text.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 74 (click here)
Meaningful conversations with
non-church people enable ministers
to better understand how they think.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 75 (click here)
The sermon-critiquing
process has great value.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 76 (click here)
Local church pastors must learn to think
beyond just their own settings if they
are to truly represent the mind
of the Lord to their people.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 77 (click here)
It’s to the advantage of preachers to get
comfortable with “feed-front” sessions.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 78 (click here)
Expository preaching should get at the nub
of what a passage or letter or book is about.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 79 (click here)
Jude, in his New Testament letter,
urges us to contend for
the faith that was entrusted to us.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 80 (click here)
Philemon is about Christians in positions
of privilege elevating those in the Lord
whose status is less fortunate.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 81 (click here)
Ministers are to see to it that churches have
the right kind of mature Christian leaders.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 82 (click here)
Galatians is about the responsible freedom
we have in Christ that makes walking
in the Spirit a Christian way of life
instead of trying to live by the Law.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 83 (click here)
The story of Samson teaches us that the
Lord’s special giftings should be used
to accomplish what God has in mind.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 84 (click here)
The Samson story makes us aware that one
of Satan’s tactics against strong individuals
is to weaken them by degrees.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 85 (click here)
The Samson story makes us aware that
we dare not assume the gifts of God
are ours to do with as we please.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 86 (click here)
The story of Joseph teaches us that
those who trust in God will find
Him faithful to His promises.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 87 (click here)
God responds graciously to all those
who sincerely seek Him, not just
those thought of as “the chosen.”

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 88 (click here)
People who make the most of life are
open to mid-course adjustments.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 89 (click here)
Just to be fair, a pastor’s job description
should probably include getting used
to eating lots of “humble pie.”

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 90 (click here)
How long you preach will vary depending
on the setting. But the Sermon-Coach
method of sermon preparation will
make it possible for you to
consistently hit your target time.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 91 (click here)
Constructive feedback isn’t usually
something that comes unsolicited
but needs to be requested.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 92 (click here)
Whereas pastoral-type messages are
important, ministers dare not overlook
the need for the prophetic
voice to also be heard.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 93 (click here)
Good speakers learn to sense when
people are no longer listening closely.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 94 (click here)
Along with the craft of effective public
speaking, ministers also need to
develop the skill of careful listening.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 95 (click here)
A group can usually discern what God
wants preached to a congregation
better than an individual can.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 96 (click here)
It’s important what God says to His
people when they gather, but also
what His people say to God.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 97 (click here)
Pastors need to “recognize the time”
of God coming near them.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 98 (click here)
It’s a helpful exercise to complete the
following: “Reflecting on the years I
pastored at _______ church, here is
how I believe lives were impacted…”

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 99 (click here)
In the early stages of zeroing in on a
given sermon topic, the group process
can prove very helpful.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 100 (click here)
An awareness of the history of revival
creates a longing for another
outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 101 (click here)
Scripture can come alive for people
as time and effort are put into
the way it is read publicly.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 102 (click here)
Scripture can come alive for people as time
and effort are put into the way it is read publicly.
Listener response is one of the good indicators
of the proper public reading of Scripture.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 103 (click here)
Scripture can come alive for people as time
and effort are put into the way it is read publicly.
Communication aids should be used when they
enhance people’s understanding of God’s Word.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 104 (click here)
Scripture can come alive for people as time
and effort are put into the way it is read publicly.
Let us join our voices in exalting
God and His Word together.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 105 (click here)
Scripture can come alive for people as time
and effort are put into the way it is read publicly.
A congregation will pay particular attention
to even long passages of Scripture when
they’re read by a family.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 106 (click here)
Scripture can come alive for people as time
and effort are put into the way it is read publicly.
Children acquainted with God’s Word
are well prepared for life.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 107 (click here)
Scripture can come alive for people as time
and effort are put into the way it is read publicly.
The responsive reading of Scripture focuses
a congregation’s attention on the powerful
presence of God in His Word.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 108 (click here)
Scripture can come alive for people as time
and effort are put into the way it is read publicly.
The responsive reading of Scripture focuses
a congregation’s attention on the powerful
presence of God in His Word.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 109 (click here)
Scripture can come alive for people as time
and effort are put into the way it is read publicly.
Creativity in the public reading of Scripture
during special seasons of the year spotlights
the wonder and delight of God’s Word.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 110 (click here)
Scripture can come alive for people as time
and effort are put into the way it is read publicly.
Purposefully offering opportunities for
spontaneity in the public reading of Scripture
can often reveal how the God of the Great
Surprise is at work in the lives of His people.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 111 (click here)
Scripture can come alive for people as time
and effort are put into the way it is read publicly.
Obedient believers lovingly respond when God
extends a call to improve the public reading of
Scripture in the worship services at their churches.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 112 (click here)
Scripture can come alive for people as time
and effort are put into the way it is read publicly.
The church stands in need of Christians who
will consider a call to the ministry
of the public reading of Scripture.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 113 (click here)
Scripture can come alive for people as time
and effort are put into the way it is read publicly.
The church stands in need of Christians who
will consider a call to the ministry
of the public reading of Scripture.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 114 (click here)
Scripture can come alive for people as time
and effort are put into the way it is read publicly.
Listeners, as well as readers, need to give
heed to the public reading of Scripture.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 115 (click here)
The Book of Revelation is a most
timely book that needs to grip
the hearts of American pastors.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 116 (click here)
A basic understanding of the Holocaust
enables readers to grasp a little of the scope
of what the Book of Revelation is about.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 117 (click here)
The truths of the Book of Revelation are
stunningly real to those whose lives have been
adversely affected by the powers of darkness.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 118 (click here)
The Book of Revelation is a final loving word
from Jesus, entrusted to the Apostle John,
to prepare His followers for the end times.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 119 (click here)
The lifestyle of God’s people should be
consistent with their worship practices.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 120 (click here)
Idolatry is overcome by humbly
acknowledging God’s rightful
position in our lives.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 121 (click here)
Even in a setting of wickedness, God’s true
servants should manifest an extremely high
standard of personal righteousness.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 122 (click here)
Judgment is averted by those who
choose that in which God delights.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 123 (click here)
The faithful still nurture the belief that the
World’s Greatest King is soon to reign.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 124 (click here)
Members of Christ’s Kingdom
can begin living now in the reality
of His great future reign.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 125 (click here)
Christ-like obedience, even in very
hard places, pleases God greatly.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 126 (click here)
As believers, we need to learn to rely
exclusively on the Lord—
for He alone is worthy of our trust.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 127 (click here)
As believers, we need to learn to rely
exclusively on the Lord—
for He alone is worthy of our trust.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 128 (click here)
As believers, we need to learn to rely
exclusively on the Lord—
for He alone is worthy of our trust.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 129 (click here)
As believers, we need to learn to rely
exclusively on the Lord—
for He alone is worthy of our trust.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 130 (click here)
When righteousness marks God’s
people, they can take confidence
in His protective care.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 131 (click here)
God’s word to the righteous, in a nation
ripe for judgment, is “be comforted.”

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 132 (click here)
Hopeless situations vanish when God’s
people get straight in their minds who He is.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 133 (click here)
A wise people look for prophets
who speak with reality and truth.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 134 (click here)
God expects His hard work
to result in a fruitful yield.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 135 (click here)
In spite of dismal forecasts, God’s faithful
should remain joyful and triumphant.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 136 (click here)
When God extends His gracious
invitation, people should come.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 137 (click here)
Our majestic God is desirous that
His people always be about
preparing the way of the Lord.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 138 (click here)
Repeating sermons or sermon series
can occasionally be a good idea.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 139 (click here)
Treat your congregation to a change of
pace by experimenting with team preaching.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 140 (click here)
Because long before the message is
given most visitors have already made
up their minds about whether or not
they will return for a second time,
ministers would do well to not think
exclusively about their sermons.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 141 (click here)
Sometimes really good sermons are
the result of ministers sharing where
they are growing spiritually.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 142 (click here)
In their preaching, ministers need
to guard against making small,
less-than-Christlike challenges.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 143 (click here)
Ministers would do well to put time into
preparing their public prayers,
just like they do their sermons.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 144 (click here)
In today’s church, the “pastoral voice” has
become so dominate that, unfortunately,
the “prophetic voice” has been all but lost.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 145 (click here)
Over a long ministry, emphasizing key
worship themes Sunday after Sunday
can have a greater effect on
people than your sermons do.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 146 (click here)
We believe that all churches have creative
people who would be happy to
occasionally be involved in sermon-planning
or service-planning sessions.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 147 (click here)
Keep using the “How-To” question
in your sermon preparation in spite of
some people’s strong reaction to it.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 148 (click here)
To answer the “How Long” question,
think about the amount of time it will
take for a normal person to respond
in the way you are suggesting.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 149 (click here)
Targeted worship is a great way to prepare
people for transformational preaching.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 150 (click here)
The key to coordinated church services is
early on setting the direction of the sermon.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 151 (click here)
The American Church needs to figure out
how it is going to reach the Millennial
Generation, or its future is in real trouble.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 152 (click here)
The American Church needs to figure out
how it is going to reach the Millennial
Generation, or its future is in real trouble.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 153 (click here)
It’s to our advantage to know the reasons
why Millennials are leaving the Church.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 154 (click here)
Getting direct feedback from
Millennials is the easiest way to learn
their thoughts about your church.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 155 (click here)
Millennials will respond positively to
the challenge of being part of
a Kingdom Resistance Movement.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 156 (click here)
We do well to learn from those whose
communication skills are like our Lord’s.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 157 (click here)
We do well to learn from those whose
communication skills are like our Lord’s.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 158 (click here)
Pastors would do well to encourage
their people to make Sabbath
the high point of their week.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 159 (click here)
Setting one’s heart on God involves
deliberately choosing to make Sunday
morning the high point of your week.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 160 (click here)
Setting one’s heart on God involves
deliberately choosing to make Sunday
morning the high point of your week.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 161 (click here)
Adjustments will follow when you choose to
make Sunday the high point of the week.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 162 (click here)
Spending time with the One you love should
become the high point of your week.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 163 (click here)
A divine celebration begins when you
mentally decide that the high point of your
week will be the Presence of Christ in
His church each Sunday morning.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 164 (click here)
Those who wish to become true disciples
will choose recognize Sunday as
the high point of their week.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 165 (click here)
A congregation should have input into the
subject matter preached, the preparation
of the material, and how it applies—
plus the evaluation of what kind of
impact it has on their people’s lives.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 166 (click here)
Preparing a sermon for human approval
is not the same as preparing
a sermon for God’s approval.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 167 (click here)
Referencing church-related news stories
in services makes church seem relevant.
Said negatively: Ignoring church-related
news stories makes church seem irrelevant.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 168 (click here)
Above all else, people attend church
because they want to encounter the Lord’s
presence and to hear a word from Him.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 169 (click here)
Ministers would do well to reflect
on the question: “Am I a better person
today than I was ten years ago?”

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 170 (click here)
A good way to get people’s attention
is to show them something you
brought with you to the pulpit.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 171 (click here)
Now would still be a good
time to preach about Noah.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 172 (click here)
Outside the pulpit, ministers need to
work more on their listening skills.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 173 (click here)
Churches would be wise to consider the
greater use of storytelling and interviewing,
two power communication forms that are
profoundly influencing today’s society.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 174 (click here)
An important lesson for young pastors
to learn is how to get congregational
feedback regarding your sermons.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 175 (click here)
Ministers who spend time
memorizing Scripture set a powerful
example for their parishioners.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 176 (click here)
Planning well in advance eliminates the
last-minute panic of what to preach next.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 177 (click here)
Paying attention to the advice of others
is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 178 (click here)
Habitual procrastination regarding
sermon preparation could be a sign
that you need to ask for help.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 179 (click here)
Because there are advantages—as well as
disadvantages—to manuscripting your
sermon, don’t close your mind to it.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 180 (click here)
Pastors need to be convinced that their
listeners are a better judge of the
effectiveness of their sermons than they are.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 181 (click here)
Considering how to make the
American church more nimble
could be a wise endeavor.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 182 (click here)
Early in the morning, ministers need to
ask the Lord to help them determine
His top one or two priorities for their
day, and then make those priorities
their goals to accomplish.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 183 (click here)
Ministers would do well to experiment
with alternative ways of communicating
beyond just lecture or preaching.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 184 (click here)
Ministers need the help of their people to
find a balance between the relentless
demand ministers feel for new and
challenging sermons vs. the persistent
expectation for their hearers to be
more and more Christ-like and do
more and more Kingdom-wise.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 185 (click here)
Parishioners can better identify with a
minister’s burden for revival when they are
helped to picture what it would look like.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 186 (click here)
When getting help to correct areas of
weakness in your life, try not to be defensive.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 187 (click here)
There’s always room for spiritual growth,
even in the life of a preacher.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 188 (click here)
Because introductory remarks seldom
have anything to do with the sermon,
it’s best to eliminate them.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 189 (click here)
Preachers who basically get
one-time preaching opportunities
should limit their expectations.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 190 (click here)
Preachers would do well to use more
illustrations with which children can identify.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 191 (click here)
As a rule of thumb, when you find yourself
looking for “sermon fillers,” first check to
see if you have a clear understand of your
“Subject,” “Desired Response,” and “How-Tos.”

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 192 (click here)
Visuals can greatly enhance a sermon when
someone else is in charge of projection.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 193 (click here)
The habit of running out of time when
preaching a sermon can usually be
resolved by establishing early on in the
sermon-preparation process the
“Subject,” “Response,” and “How-To.”

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 194 (click here)
To avoid the problem of overexposure,
preachers should carefully train other
individuals to fill less-significant roles.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 195 (click here)
Because ministers often find themselves in
“compromising” situations—that is,
situations requiring compromise—they need
to learn to both extend grace and receive it.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 196 (click here)
When speaking with the advantage
of a good PA system, try to avoid
the “shouting preacher syndrome.”

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 197 (click here)
The practice of critically evaluating the
sermons you hear preached—in
contrast to just listening casually—can
make you a better preacher.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 198 (click here)
The initial time for preachers to breathe a
sigh of relief is when they have adequately
answered the four key Sermon-Coach questions.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 199 (click here)
Focused worship is as important
as focused preaching.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 200 (click here)
It’s to a minister’s benefit to ask for the input
of others in the sermon-preparation process.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 201 (click here)
Ministers need to be humbly aware
that God works in ways outside
of one given approach to preaching.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 202 (click here)
Unlike filmmakers, preachers can choose
their own person(s) they strive to please.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 203 (click here)
Learning by doing is a
good way to master a skill.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 204 (click here)
Learning by doing is a
good way to master a skill.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 205 (click here)
It is the pastor’s responsibility to see
to it that guest speakers receive a
proper introduction, even if the pastor
is not present in the service.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 206 (click here)
Fix in your mind that preaching’s
bottom line is transformed lives.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 207 (click here)
Today’s preachers would do well to
copy a speaking technique used
effectively by Jesus—storytelling.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 208 (click here)
This is the time for North American
ministers to start preaching with
a greater sense of urgency.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 209 (click here)
A rich resource is available to pastors
who solicit congregational input
as they prepare their sermons.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 210 (click here)
Invitations are an option to consider
when preaching a sermon that
calls for a “yes” or “no” decision.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 211 (click here)
It is usually better to get congregational
feedback prior to preaching
a sermon rather than during it.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 212 (click here)
Team-preaching is greatly simplified when
both speakers are in agreement regarding
the “Subject,” “Desired Response,”
“How-Tos,” and “How Long” of the sermon.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 213 (click here)
Pastors would do well to create a
“Go-To Team”
for specialized sermon help.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 214 (click here)
Understanding what God has done with His
people in the past through revival, helps
them pray more effectively today for
a great movement of God’s Spirit.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 215 (click here)
Scheduling a one-a-month
“How goes the world” session
can prove very stimulating for a pastor.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 216 (click here)
For churches in America to once again thrive,
a new normal needs to be established.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 217 (click here)
Relevant church services don’t
go for months never mentioning
common stresses people face.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 218 (click here)
When sermons and services are
consistently well-planned, parishioners
should be able every now and then to
experience an “Aha Moment.”

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 219 (click here)
As you put a sermon together, try
to capture the emotion of your text.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 220 (click here)
Assume many listening to your sermon are
tired and need their interest piqued.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 221 (click here)
Pastoral leadership is a key ingredient
to the success of a church.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 222 (click here)
When writing down the “Desired
Response” for your sermon,
don’t settle for Christian jargon.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 223 (click here)
Even good preachers should allow time
for listeners to process their sermons.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 224 (click here)
An important skill many ministers would
do well to cultivate is listening.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 225 (click here)
It’s good to express to the Lord your
appreciation for His many blessings.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 226 (click here)
Ministers need to become convinced that
the best judges regarding the effectiveness
of their sermons are their listeners.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 227 (click here)
It takes “intentionality” to connect
what happens in church to the
average person’s everyday world.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 228 (click here)
Be aware that people responding to a
general invitation does not necessarily
indicate a permanent change.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 229 (click here)
New ideas are sparked when ministers
make it a practice to visit other churches.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 230 (click here)
As a rule of thumb, don’t discuss the merits
of a given Sunday morning sermon until
you have left the church property.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 231 (click here)
A major role of church leadership is to help
people find where their gifts can be
used for maximum Kingdom benefit.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 232 (click here)
When preparing sermons, it’s wise to
keep in mind the possibility of
non-Christians being in attendance.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 233 (click here)
Never underestimate the power of a
well-delivered, short, firsthand report
from a layperson of what God
is doing in his or her life.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 234 (click here)
A good way to evaluate the
effectiveness of your preaching
is to ask someone for honest feedback.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 235 (click here)
Because the best judges regarding the
effectiveness of your preaching will be your
congregation, ask them for their feedback.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 236 (click here)
Good sermons often need to be followed by
programmed silence that allows people time
to process what they have just heard.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 237 (click here)
Revelation is an encouraging message from
Jesus the Christ—regarding tough times and
the end times—that calls for patient endurance
and faithfulness on the part of His Church.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 238 (click here)
Viewing your role as a substitute
for Jesus should help you when
deciding what to preach.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 239 (click here)
A good way to prevent parishioners from
talking negatively about your sermons is to invite
their help in preparing and evaluating them.

Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 240 (click here)
When apocalyptic-like events are taking place
in the world, church services should at
least reference what’s happening.